Bach Bibliography
Search Result

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Series : ^MWorld$
Year : 1836
Max number of results shown : 300
Output sorted : chronologically (table)
Your search has generated the following results ...
TypeListAuthor Title [further info]SeriesVolNoYearPagesStatus
1. [anon.]John Sebastian Bach's 'Grand Studies for the Organ', consisting of preludes, fugues, toccatas and fantasias, never before published in this country. Book I. Coventry & Hollier. MWorld 1 3 1 Apr 1836 46
2. [Raumer, Frederick von]England in 1835: being a series of letters written to friends in Germany, during a residence in London and excursions into the provinces. MWorld 1 5 15 Apr 1836 73-75
3. [anon.]Gems of German Criticism. No.2. Sebastian Bach. [Zelter's letter to Goethe]. MWorld 1 7 29 Apr 1836 106-108
4. [anon.]Mr. Moscheles. MWorld 1 8 6 May 1836 129
5. [anon.]Mr. Moscheles' Concert. MWorld 1 9 13 May 1836 142
6. [Gauntlett, Henry J.]Sebastian Bach [from Mr. Gauntlett's Lectures] MWorld 1 12 3 Jun 1836 181-184
7. [anon.]Berlin. MWorld 2 15 24 Jun 1836 28
8. Gauntlett, Henry JohnThe ecclesiastical music of this country. MWorld 2 17 8 Jul 1836 49-52
9. Hogarth, GeorgeMusica Instruments. -- The Piano-forte. MWorld 2 18 15 Jul 1836 65-69
10. Gauntlett, Henry JohnEnglish ecclesiastical composers of the present age. MWorld 2 21 5 Aug 1836 113-120
11. Gauntlett, Henry JohnLouis Spohr's second oratorio 'The Last Hours of the Saviour.' MWorld 2 26 9 Sep 1836 193-199
12. [anon.]Francfort on the Oder. MWorld 3 36 18 Nov 1836 156

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Last revised on 2 May 2011 by Yo Tomita